Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Thought of the Week 1

    The capabilities we have in our lives are determined by our ability to believe in ourselves. Each and every one of us are capable of whatever we put our mind to. The conundrum is, many people settle because they don't believe in themselves enough, or believe that dreams are only reached by a select few. If you are willing to accept this you are disabling yourself from reaching your full potential. You are rationalizing your thought process because it is easier to stop wanting something than to persevere and achieve it.
    You can do whatever you want in life, but in order to do this you must have an unrelenting belief in yourself. All too often people will not push for something if it has never been done before, because it is easier to leave it that way than to change the perceptions of others. No matter what your goal it, big or small, go out and achieve it. Take steps each day to push yourself through any doubt you have in your mind. The people who reach their potential and achieve their goals are people who do not put obstacles in their way.

Michael Jordan-perseverance and belief

    Those who say we should have low expectations are the people that will get through life rationalizing their feeling about what they wanted to achieve. In order to get what we want we must have high expectations, and we must be willing to not give up in our pursuit of them.
    Fail early, and fail often. Those people willing to change the world don’t give up on the first try, they persevere. The more success someone has, the more they have failed. We must fail until we find the right way, and use failure as a building block for future success. The only negative failure is to never try.
    I challenge everyone to believe in yourself and your capabilities, if you don’t nobody else will either. Pursue what you love, do it for yourself, and don’t worry what others say.

“Don’t expect the world to change if you are not willing to change the world”


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